Meet Deb

Deb Pines was a newspaper reporter for two decades at The Indianapolis Star, New York Law Journal and other publications until she got bitten by the mystery-writing bug.

She moved on to combining odd jobs (including writing beauty-salon ads and course-catalog listings and copy-editing a hip-hop magazine) with writing the Mimi Goldman Chautauqua mystery books that have become top sellers in the Chautauqua Institution where they are set. Her last odd job, New York Post copy editor, she never left. There, she continues to edit tabloid stories and write award-winning, snarky, pun-filled headlines including: BEZOS EXPOSES PECKER (for Jeff Bezos’ feud with National Enquirer boss David Pecker over Bezos’ below-the-belt sexts), FLAKE NEWS (for a forecasted NYC blizzard that never happened) and THIS IS YOUR CAPTAIN FREAKING (for a JetBlue pilot’s mid-flight mental breakdown)

A native of Brooklyn, N.Y., Deb grew up in Miami Beach, Fla.  She’s a grandmother, Brown University grad, Chautauquan by marriage, indoor-cycling fanatic, cook and lover of hiking, puns, Scrabble, show tunes and classic rock. A former committee chair of the Mystery Writers of America, New York chapter, she lives in New York City with her husband, Dave.